Delft University of Technology

Delft University of Technology

Course List

Embedded Systems - Software & Networking

  • IN4390 Quantitative Evaluation of Embedded Systems
  • ET4074 Modern Computer Architectures
  • CS4140ES Embedded Systems Laboratory
  • IN4343 Real-time Systems
  • IN4387 System Validation
  • CSE2510 Machine Learning
  • CS4220 Machine Learning 1
  • IN4315 Software Architecture
  • EE4C06 Networking


  • IN4191 Security and Cryptography
  • ET4397IN Network Security
  • IN4253ET “Hacking Lab”-Applied Security Analysis
  • CS4150 Systems Security
  • CS4035 Cyber Data Analytics
  • TPM027A Cyber Risk Management

Part Thesis

  • ES5000 Final Project


CS4035 Teaching Assistance

May. 2019 ‑ Jun. 2019

  • Held offline tutorial session and online Q&A meeting
  • Evaluated submissions of assignments