PaddleOCR - An Elegant And Modular Architecture

PaddleOCR - An Elegant And Modular Architecture

Mar 15, 2021·
Yuhang Tian
Yuhang Tian
Shixun Wu
Jinchen Zeng
Mingyu Gao
· 1 min read


This essay is going to research PaddleOCR from the perspective of its architecture. We first derive its architecture style - pipe-and-filter and blackboard patterns from its working mechanism. Then we illustrate the containers and components to describe their structure. Furthermore, we analyze PaddleOCR from development and run-time views. At last, we simply show some API design principles that PaddleOCR applies. PaddleOCR’s Architectural Style Trade-off! The Tricky Architecture Architecture Structure Design Development View Runtime.

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