Quality Process - To PaddleOCR and Beyond!

Quality Process - To PaddleOCR and Beyond!

Mar 20, 2021·
Yuhang Tian
Yuhang Tian
Shixun Wu
Jinchen Zeng
Mingyu Gao
· 1 min read


PaddleOCR is an ultra-lightweight OCR tool for extracting texts from pictures, which can be further integrated with other software systems or embedded devices. This week’s blog will explore the software quality and integration process of this effective OCR tool mainly based on its Github and the paper1 published by PaddleOCR developer team. Overall Software Testing Processes Key Elements in Continuous Integration Hotspot!Which Part is Mostly Updated? Pull Request Analysis Technical Debt: Code Shows the Fact Reference Overall Software Testing Processes Software testing has a prescribed order in which things should be done to guarantee the user experience of software, serving as the ‘guardian’ of software quality.

👉 link to the full paper-3

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